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editing non-numeric data so Excel will recognize it as a Date

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    editing non-numeric data so Excel will recognize it as a Date

    I have used Excel , but have never really used Macros. I have a situation where I think a simple Macro could be useful. I have tried playing around with the built-in Macro Recorder, but I don't really know how to use that tool.

    The situation:
    In my worksheet, there is a Column that has 3000+ Rows of dates listed in the format "Jan. 4, 2003" ...however, because of that pesky period, Excel doesn't recognize this data as a date. So I can't use the data for calculations until I delete the period for each one, which gives me "Jan 4, 2003" ...a format that Excel does recognize as a date. I would prefer not to do that manually 3000+ times. Would a Macro be able to do that for me? Or is there a function or combination of functions that I can use to remove the periods?

    Jan. 15, 2003
    Jan. 13, 2003
    Jan. 13, 2003
    Jan. 7, 2003
    Jan. 4, 2003
    Dec. 28, 2002
    Dec. 28, 2002
    Dec. 27, 2002

    Jan 15, 2003
    Jan 13, 2003
    Jan 13, 2003
    Jan 7, 2003
    Jan 4, 2003
    Dec 28, 2002
    Dec 28, 2002
    Dec 27, 2002

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    MS-Off Ver
    Office 2010, W10
    Hi splendid61

    You can do it directly in the worksheet:

    - select the column
    - format the column as
    mmm d, yyyy
    - use text to columns, delimited, choose no delimiters in the second panel, in the third panel choose data format: Date MDY. Excel will convert the strings to date regardless of the period.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date

    That worked perfectly. Thanks for the detailed instructions. Saved me a lot of time.

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