Im extremely stumped with this situation i have. I have excel worksheet with quite a bit of functionality and one of the things it does is copy some data from another workbook and then filter out the unique records in certain columns. About 30 minutes ago, excel got glitchy(what else is new) and i ended up closing everything down and opening back up. I tried running the code that filters the data and nothing happened. I stepped through it and watched it supposedly run the code but it never filtered the column i wanted. All it did was copy the header and one of the cells to be filtered whereas before it worked perfectly. I then close down everything, open back up and it may or may not work..

Just so you can understand here is my filter code. i recorded it and it is identical to the code excel gave me from when i recorded it.

Columns("A:A").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Columns( _
            "F:F"), Unique:=True
Any info or comments on whats going on would be greatly appreciated