I have created a macro that adds a new sheet to a workbook everytime a button is clicked. The name of the new sheet has a default to the number of sheets in the workbook. I have had some complaints about wanting to name the sheet the date that the work was performed, but most of the time the sheet is filled out the day after the work is performed and not that day, sometimes 3 or 4 days later. My solution was to add code to the end of my other code to bring up a input box that the user would rename the sheet. The problem I have is if they click ok without inputting a name, the macro goes to debug. I would like the code to default back to the original name of the sheet if the user clicks ok without inputting a name.

Here is the code that I am adding so far.

Sub NewSheetName()
    ' Dim AMT As String
    SheetName = InputBox("New Sheet Name")
    ActiveSheet.Name = SheetName
End Sub
Thanks for the help