Remember in school on tests there was sometimes a matching section where you would have to match 25 definitions with 25 words or something like that. I need to match two different sets of a bunch of words in VBA just like that. I have a sheet that gives me say Apples, Oranges, Limes, Onions, Radishes, Carrots, Squash, Lettuce, etc. Say that is all in column B. In my VBA code I am writing formulas that go and open files that are titled RedApples, or GreenLimes, or OrangeCarrots, and stick an answer in say the adjacent column C where Apples, Lmes and Carrots is in B. What is it called when you need to match stuff up like that? I want, on the VBA side, the code to know that Apples goes with RedApples, Oranges goes with OrangeOranges, Limes goes with Greenlimes. What would the code be to do that? I am trying to learn the syntax for this, any help would be appreciated.

If I knew what it was called I could search for it better.
Thanks so much.