1st, I click on a Button link on "my menu" and a workbook named "emails.xls" is opened automatically in a new instance of Excel. OK . . . This works fine.

This workbook has 2 sheets. 1st sheet is named "eMail Home". 2nd sheet is named "eMailList".

On the 2nd sheet I have data in column A & B. Col A is the name of the relative or friend. Col B is their eMail address.

Back to sheet "eMail Home". On this sheet I want to have the following information that I want to include in the eMails when sent:

Cell A10 has Text to be placed into Subject line of the eMail.
Normal Subject line length is fine.
Cell A11 has Text to be placed into the Message area of the eMail.
Naturally, this is limited to 256 characters.
Is there is a way for more text, possibly coming from a Text Box or
something else or some other way.

I need to "Attach" at least 1 Excel workbook (preferably up to 5.)
It would also be good to be able to "Attach" Word files.

I would have one Button on the sheet named "eMail Home". This button would activate the VBA code, sending each eMail address listed on the "Mail List" sheet.

Could this be set up to run thru Hotmail automatically ? After the subject line and text is entered, I don't want to do any more manual steps. The Subject line and Text info will always be the same, but can be changed the next time I want to send them info.