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User form to display adjacent cell value and move to next blank cell

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    User form to display adjacent cell value and move to next blank cell


    I'm looking to create a user form to quickly enter information into a spreadsheet. I'm new to Excel forms and have searched, but can't seem to find examples of what I'm looking for.

    I've tried to keep this example simple. In short, I would like to be able to call a form from any tab inside a workbook, then based on the cell I choose enter information in the empty cells below it. I think the process would work as detailed below;

    User will select a specific cell (D6)
    User will call UserFormA
    UserFormA will move to the first empty cell below specified cell (D8)
    Display Value in Cell (B8) in TxtBoxA
    If ChkBoxA is true then (D8)=1 else (D8)=0
    If ChkBoxB is true then (E8)=1 else (E8)=0
    If ChkBoxC is true then (F8)=1 else (F8)=0
    When CmdButtonA is pressed apply Values to cells D8, E8, and F8
    Move to Next Empty Cell (D9)
    Display Value in Cell (B9) in TxtBoxCurrName
    If ChkBoxA is true then (D9)=1 else (D9)=0
    If ChkBoxB is true then (E9)=1 else (E9)=0
    If ChkBoxC is true then (F9)=1 else (F9)=0
    When CmdButtonA is pressed apply Values to cells D9, E9, and F9
    Move to Next Empty Cell (D10)
    Repeat until UserFormA closed

    Thank you for taking the time to look this over.

    Last edited by VBA Noob; 09-21-2008 at 11:44 AM.

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