For anyone who can help me:

I have an Excel file with many (over 30) spreadsheets. All are formatted exactly the same, just holding different information. What I need to do is have a macros that goes through each of these sheets and takes the given information that I need. But I don't know how to write this.

The information I need is in cells B17, D17, F17, I17, K17, and M17. Preferably, this information just gets loaded into a new sheet in the document, say MAIN, in each column. So, B17 goes in A1, D17 goes in A2, etc. From there, each column is creating a line on a graph, which is also a separate sheet, say GRAPH. Everytime a new column is added in MAIN, I need the GRAPH sheet to update as well. This is a whole new issue, too.

If you need any clarifications, please let me know. And thank you for your help!