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Convert sale amounts ..

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    Convert sale amounts ..

    Hi all. I got problems with a (for me) diffcult VBA-code.
    Here it goes:

    There are two Excel files with data that are necessary in order to solve the job. The file "SalesAmount.xlsx" contains a list of sales amount and the currency they are denominated as. The file "ExchangeRates.xlsx" contains a list of the currencies and their respective rates/prizes.

    Screenshot here:

    ExchangeRates.xlsx : last row in this worksheet is 39
    SalesAmount.xlsx : last row in this worksheet is 328

    Now the job is to make a top 10 list of the largest sales measured in Danish kroner (DKK), which of course requires that all amounts are converted from their original currency to DKK.

    It could look like this:
    One more screenshot

    I just dont know how to make. Hopefully someone can help me out

    The last picture, is the workbook I want to make.

    EDIT: Here is the two workbooks "SalesAmount.xlsx" & "ExchangeRates.xlsx":
    Last edited by gacid; 11-14-2008 at 11:07 AM.

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