Hi, I am using the code below that I got off of these forums to email a particular sheet in my workbook, but I need to strip all of the VBA code and the command button from the sheet being sent. Is this possible?

Sub Mail_ActiveSheet()
'Working in 97-2007
    Dim FileExtStr As String
    Dim FileFormatNum As Long
    Dim Sourcewb As Workbook
    Dim Destwb As Workbook
    Dim TempFilePath As String
    Dim TempFileName As String
res = InputBox("Please enter the e-mail address you wish to send this to:")
EmailAddress = res

    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
    End With
    Set Sourcewb = ActiveWorkbook
    'Copy the Invoice and Analysis sheets to a new workbook
    Set Destwb = ActiveWorkbook
    'Determine the Excel version and file extension/format
    With Destwb
        If Val(Application.Version) < 12 Then
            'You use Excel 97-2003
            FileExtStr = ".xls": FileFormatNum = -4143
            'You use Excel 2007
            'We exit the sub when your answer is NO in the security dialog that you only
            'see  when you copy a sheet from a xlsm file with macro's disabled.
            If Sourcewb.Name = .Name Then
                With Application
                    .ScreenUpdating = True
                    .EnableEvents = True
                End With
                MsgBox "Your answer is NO in the security dialog"
                Exit Sub
                Select Case Sourcewb.FileFormat
                Case 51: FileExtStr = ".xlsx": FileFormatNum = 51
                Case 52:
                    If .HasVBProject Then
                        FileExtStr = ".xlsm": FileFormatNum = 52
                        FileExtStr = ".xlsx": FileFormatNum = 51
                    End If
                Case 56: FileExtStr = ".xls": FileFormatNum = 56
                Case Else: FileExtStr = ".xlsb": FileFormatNum = 50
                End Select
            End If
        End If
    End With
    'Save the new workbook/Mail it/Delete it
    TempFilePath = Environ$("temp") & "\"
    TempFileName = "Temp File Name"

    With Destwb
        .SaveAs TempFilePath & TempFileName & FileExtStr, FileFormat:=FileFormatNum
        On Error Resume Next
        .SendMail EmailAddress, _
                  "E-mail From Excel"
        On Error GoTo 0
        .Close SaveChanges:=False
    End With
    'Delete the file you have send
    Kill TempFilePath & TempFileName & FileExtStr
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
    End With
End Sub
Clayton Grove