I've got a menu bar with some icons that get enabled/disabled depending on the current sheet. The menu bar also has a drop down menu that changes depending on the current workbook.

The method I use to update the table is to delete the existing table and create new one based on the current sheet and workbook. I was wondering if there is a way to simply update the existing toolbar without deleting the existing one?

Here is my create menu code:

Sub CreateMenubar()

    Dim iCtr As Long

    Dim iconNames As Variant
    Dim iconCaptions As Variant
    Dim iconTipText As Variant
    Dim listNames As Variant
    Dim listCaptions As Variant
    Dim listTipText As Variant
    Dim iconEnabled As Variant
    Dim listEnabled As Variant
    Dim toolbarX As Integer
    Dim toolbarY As Integer
    Dim toolbarPosition As String
    Dim temp As CommandBarControl
    On Error Resume Next

    toolbarX = Application.CommandBars("AMANDA Worksheet V1.0").Left
    toolbarY = Application.CommandBars("AMANDA Worksheet V1.0").Top
    toolbarPosition = Application.CommandBars("AMANDA Worksheet V1.0").Position

    Call RemoveMenubar

    iconNames = Array("Insert", "Delete", "NewBlock", "DeleteBlock", "Clear", "Copy", "Paste", "CopyToAMANDA", "PasteFromAMANDA")
    iconCaptions = Array("Insert Row(s)", "Delete Row(s)", "Insert Block", "Delete Block", "Clear Row(s)", "Copy Row(s)", "Paste Row(s)", "Copy Row(s) To AMANDA", "Paste Row(s) From AMANDA")

    If ActiveSheet.CodeName = "home" Or ActiveSheet.CodeName = "deficiencyChangeNotes" Or ActiveSheet.CodeName = "folderChangeNotes" Or ActiveSheet.CodeName = "processChangeNotes" Or ActiveSheet.CodeName = "mergedNames" Or ActiveSheet.CodeName = "staticNames" Or ActiveSheet.CodeName = "paster" Then
        iconEnabled = Array("no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no")
        iconEnabled = Array("yes", "yes", "no", "no", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes")
    End If

    If ActiveWorkbook.CodeName = "validsTemplate" Then
        listNames = Array("Access", "Deficiency", "Folder", "People", "Process", "System", "Stat")
        listCaptions = Array("Access", "Deficiency", "Folder", "People", "Process", "System", "Stat")
    End If

    With Application.CommandBars.Add
        .Name = "AMANDA Worksheet V1.0"
        .Left = toolbarX
        .Top = toolbarY
        .Protection = msoBarNoProtection
        .Visible = True
        .Position = toolbarPosition

        For iCtr = LBound(iconNames) To UBound(iconNames)
            With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
                If iconEnabled(iCtr) = "yes" Then
                    .OnAction = "toolbar" & iconNames(iCtr)
                    .Caption = iconCaptions(iCtr)
                    .Style = msoButtonIcon
                    .Picture = LoadPicture("C:\CSDC\worksheeticons\" & iconNames(iCtr) & ".bmp")
                    .Mask = LoadPicture("C:\CSDC\worksheeticons\" & iconNames(iCtr) & "mask.bmp")
                    .Caption = iconCaptions(iCtr)
                    .Style = msoButtonIcon
                    .Picture = LoadPicture("C:\CSDC\worksheeticons\" & iconNames(iCtr) & "bw.bmp")
                    .Mask = LoadPicture("C:\CSDC\worksheeticons\" & iconNames(iCtr) & "mask.bmp")
                End If
            End With
        Next iCtr

        Set temp = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        temp.Caption = "Valids"

        For iCtr = LBound(listNames) To UBound(listNames)
            With temp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
                .OnAction = "toolbarSwitchTo" & listNames(iCtr)
                .Caption = listCaptions(iCtr)
                .ID = iCtr
            End With
        Next iCtr
    End With

End Sub