Cell D15 is my Invoice Number Field.

I have entered my invoice number starting from 001. I am doing this manually every time after referring the previous Invoice Number in the next sheet( i.e., Sheet 2)

I have a macro "SAVE" in Invoice Page, which copies the S.No, Name , Qty and Amount from the Invoice page to the next Sheet i.e., ( Sheet 2). This copies row by row in the next page after every Invoice is done.
After Copying the above said datas, I have another Macro "NEW" which deletes the S.No Field, Name, Qty and Amount Field for keeping the Invoice ready for the next Feed.

Is it possible to auto increase the invoice number + 1 in the Invoice Filed, based on the copied Invoice number in the Next Sheet ( Sheet 2 ). Provided, hitting the "New" button for the next feed should not affect the S.No Field.

Kindly Help.


Sub DeleteStuff()
    Dim c As Range
    For Each c In Range("D15,C18:C20")
        If Not IsNumeric(c) Then c.ClearContents
        If IsNumeric(c) Then c.ClearContents
    Next c
End Sub
Sub saveit()
With Sheets(2)
r = .Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
InvN = Cells(15, 4).Text
For x = 1 To r
If .Cells(x, 2).Text = InvN Then
MsgBox ("Receipt " + InvN + " has already been Saved")
GoTo endd
End If
Next x
For a = 2 To 8
Select Case a
Case 2
.Cells(r, a) = Cells(15, 4)
Case 3
.Cells(r, a) = Cells(18, 3)
Case 4
.Cells(r, a) = Cells(20, 3)
Case 5
.Cells(r, a) = Cells(22, 3)
Case 6
.Cells(r, a) = Cells(24, 3)
Case 7
.Cells(r, a) = Cells(26, 3)
Case 8
.Cells(r, a) = Cells(13, 4)
End Select
Next a
End With
MsgBox ("       Data Saved")
End Sub