Hey guys,

I have a new question for you. This time is a "how to..?" question. Here's what i want to do.
I have a file containing up to 500 or more lines (it can get quite big). This text file has a structure that looks like this:

Name of the item : ball
Quantity of items : 300
Color of the item : red
Size of the item : quite big
... (more lines like the ones above)
Weight : 100 Height : 30
Length : 30

And so on. Multiply that by 50-80 and you'll get the file. Now.. i do have a form in which i get to paste one item at a time (in a text box called TboxI) and my form will spread the data in the cells (a2 = name, b2 = quantity and so on).
Here comes my problem. Is it possible to apply this form to the whole file? Not with copy-paste but by reading the file and doing it automatically. First let me tell you a bit about the code: the code i have in this form will cycle the text and seek each item in turn until it finishes the text. It will cycle the text for like 10 times or so, seeking each item.
I think i can make it remove the line after it finds each item with this code
  Text = Right(Text, Len(Text) - InStr(Text, Chr(13)))
 Text = Chr(13) & TboxI.Text & Chr(13)
but i still don't know how to tackle the file issue.
I found some code for reading the file and i might be able to make it work but what i'm asking here is an approach question.
Does anyone have any other idea on how to approach the problem?