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Issues converting a race points lookup table

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  1. #1
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    Issues converting a race points lookup table

    Hi all,

    I'm new to this Excel programming malarky so please bear with me! I'm trying to improve the current points handling system for a race series I work in. The series comprises of three classes all racing at the same time, so there is one overall grid which must be split into three classes and points awarded accordingly.

    As a base, I've borrowed a Formula 1 points table from the internet and have begun adapting it for this application, but I'm stuck on how to get Excel to distinguish between the classes.

    I've included a copy of the spreadsheet I'm working on here:


    What I'm trying to do is the following:

    On the sheet "race result" I would like to be able to put the overall race standings in the table to the left as I have done, then on the right under class a, b and c ranking, I would like Excel to pick out the separate leader boards for each respective class from the 25 places to the left, in the order they finished.

    Using this, I would like to ammend the sheet "Class Standings" to show the overall rankings for class a b and c in the same format as the "team and driver standings" sheet.

    I'm pretty well stuck at the moment as I'm not sure how to edit arrays and not sure which function could pick out the classes and put them in the appropriate lists. Could anyone please help me? Either by explaining what functions I need to include, or ammending the sheet and emailing it to me at nick (dot) simpson (at) hotmail (dot) com

    Any help would be hugely appreciated!


    - Sorry for the bad title, I'm not really sure how to describe it!
    Last edited by 450nick; 05-10-2009 at 12:17 PM. Reason: bad title

  2. #2
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
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    Re: A bit stuck with some Excel Programming!

    Your post does not comply with Rule 1 of our Forum RULES. Your post title should accurately and concisely describe your problem, not your anticipated solution. Use terms appropriate to a Google search. Poor thread titles, like Please Help, Urgent, Need Help, Formula Problem, Code Problem, and Need Advice will be addressed according to the OP's experience in the forum: If you have less than 10 posts, expect (and respond to) a request to change your thread title. If you have 10 or more posts, expect your post to be locked, so you can start a new thread with an appropriate title.
    To change a Title on your post, click EDIT then Go Advanced and change your title, if 2 days have passed ask a moderator to do it for you.
    Hope that helps.

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