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low and high numbers with stats

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  1. #1
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    low and high numbers with stats

    Hi guys I seem to find myself stuff on this project yet again, JBeaucaire was able to help me to get this far im hoping you will be able to help me with the next step of this project
    The doc iv attached is able to give me the differnece between low and high numbers with this example low numbers being between 1-18 and 19 – 36 high numbers and 0 being a break if u test the project u will understand im now trying to create a pattern of 3s were im abe to get stat hits on for example the patterns of 3s are the following(numbers) low,low,low-low,low,high-low,high,high-low,high,low every time I type in the numbers 3 times in a row on the 3rd one I want it to show as a hit(success) if the 3 numbers I type in are not a hit like high,high,high I want it to show me a miss if it is a pattern I want it to show a if theres a 0 it must rest like from 0miss,4hits,o breaks to 0miss,0hits,1break and so forth im also wondering if at another part of the form it can keep the total stats like iv added In the doc please could someone assits me here im slowing learning I thank you for your help I hope oneday im able to controtube the same in these forums
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    Last edited by bradfour; 06-08-2009 at 12:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: low and high numbers with stats

    Here you go, simplest was just another helper column. This puts the HIT/MISS answers in that column C as you go. The counts appear in J, K and L. I'm not sure what you wanted in N, O and P so I left it alone for now.

    You can hide those columns B and C to make things appear more tidy.
    Last edited by JBeaucaire; 06-08-2009 at 04:27 AM. Reason: Sheet removed...see below for latest version
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  3. #3
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    Re: low and high numbers with stats

    Morning JBeaucaire I don’t know if its just me but cant seem to get the patterns working is there any chances we can make the columns in a way that when I type a low number like 5 in the first box its on top the when I type the new number like 20 it replaces the 5 in that box and the 5 automatically moves down so that the first number on top is always the most recent and so on? And from there work out that the patterns L,L,L and L,L,H and L,H,H andL,H,L count as hits anything else is a miss and a 0 is a break the way it keeps all the records are perfect it seems thank you also is it possible to add a button that clears all columns and stats and maybe a button that once u click on it brings you to a record that keeps of all results for example we want a result per 3 numbers so it will be 0miss 1 hit 0 break then on the next result of 3 it will be 1miss 0 hits 0break hope my explaining is not to bad thank you again for your time and patients

  4. #4
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    re: low and high numbers with stats

    LLL - Hit
    LLH - Hit
    LHH - Hit
    LHL - Hit
    HLL - ???
    HHL - ???
    HLH - Miss
    HHH - Miss

  5. #5
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    re: low and high numbers with stats

    HLL and HHL must be a miss aswell i think it piks 0 as a low and a break aswell when it must just be a break?

  6. #6
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    re: low and high numbers with stats

    Quote Originally Posted by bradfour View Post
    i think it piks 0 as a low and a break aswell when it must just be a break?
    Please elaborate...?

  7. #7
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    re: low and high numbers with stats

    well the chart is correct:

    LLL - Hit
    LLH - Hit
    LHH - Hit
    LHL - Hit

    seems once i type 0 it breaks but for example 2,12,30 is hit then 0 break then i type 5,5 it goes miss cause even tho it breaks on 0 it picks the 0 as a low and 3 lows are a miss so before i can put in the 3rd number of the pattern it picks up the 0 when i t shoiuld not

  8. #8
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    re: low and high numbers with stats

    I see that. Ok, with the full chart, turns out the HITS are easy to spot...anything starting with LL or LH is a hit, the rest are misses.

    I also fixed the bit with the ZEROS not resetting the triad matching.

    Added the RESET button. Reset will copy the current Hit/Miss/Breaks count into the HISTORY bank and clear the data. I couldn't figure a simple way to do it automatically, so if you really only want groups of 3, click the reset more often.

    I added a "GROUP" above columns B & C, the little plus sign will easily hide/unhide those helper columns.
    Last edited by JBeaucaire; 06-08-2009 at 12:09 PM. Reason: Sheet removed...see below for latest version

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    re: low and high numbers with stats

    thanks it works great i think iv asked this before not sure if it is possable though can we make it so that if i type a number in colume A row 3 and press enter it automaticlly drops down to the row below clearing up row 3 that way i always type the most recent number in that row and the numbers below it keep moving down while still staying with the pattern?

  10. #10
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: low and high numbers with stats

    Everything about that sheet we've done so far is designed to evaluate "as you go" down the list. Doing what you're suggesting would mean starting completely over.

    But we can still do it in another cell. Try this out...
    Last edited by JBeaucaire; 06-08-2009 at 12:43 PM. Reason: Sheet removed...see below for latest version

  11. #11
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: low and high numbers with stats

    Actually, I realized the Data Validation in column A is circumvented by this new entry method. This last tweak puts that value check into the macro itself, so you can only enter values between 0 - 36. Try it out.
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        If Not Intersect(Target, Range("F5")) Is Nothing Then
            Application.EnableEvents = False
            If Target < 0 Or Target > 36 Then
                MsgBox "Only values 0-36 are acceptable, please try again."
                Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Target.Value
            End If
            Application.EnableEvents = True
        End If
    End Sub
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  12. #12
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    Re: low and high numbers with stats

    thank you its great, would i be able in future be able to build more patterns into this app? or would i have to make a new one each time?

  13. #13
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: low and high numbers with stats

    Of course! That's how we learn, yes?

    I included the "patterns" table for you so you could see visually how laying them out that way may help you spot simpler patterns. Since we really only need to ID "hits" (everything else is a "miss" or a reset), look at your "hits" carefully. That's why how I spotted that anything starting with LL or LH was a hit...the third parameter was actually irrelevant.

    Also, the HIT/MISS key column is currently keyed to sets of 3. If you decide you want/need other set lengths, you would need to:

    1) Add another hidden key column to count hits/misses in a similar manner based on the numbers of rows you want

    2) Adjust the hit/miss totals section at the top to count hits/misses in the new column, too.

    If that takes care of your need, be sure to EDIT your original post, click Go Advanced and mark the PREFIX box [SOLVED].

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  14. #14
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    Re: low and high numbers with stats

    thank you so much for your help its much appriecated iv also glady clicked the reputation feedback button as u have been a great help but sadly i need to ask you for your help once again it seems its my fault this app has taken so long to complete as iv missunderstood it and only 1 or 2 adjustments need to be made before i can continue it i hope it is not to much of a train smash i am willing to wait a few days if i need to as i dont wish to incovineince you, basicly as far as the 0 goes i need it to be a MISS and only when its typed entered in the cells as the last number of the pattern it becomes a break for example (5,0,5) or (0,20,30) is a miss but 5,5,0 will be a break, so basicly is the 0 is in the pattern on 3s its a miss and only if its the last number of the pattern its a break.

    as for the stats this is the most important im hoping you can help me here if the pattern goes L,L,L its a hit and the stats will show (0 misses 1 hit 0 zaggs) if the next patern its a hit the stas will show (0 misses 2 hit 0 breaks/zaggs) now lets say the 3rd pattern misses the stats will show (1 misses 0 hit 1 zaggs) notice how the stats resets when that happns can we take a snap shot of that history to anothe rpart of the form that will show 2 hits occured before the zagg broke the pattern. and if had to continue typing in numbers for the pattern for example L,L,L the stats yet again reset to
    (0 misses 1 hit 0 zaggs) and again if the pattern were to break the stats again reset to (0 misses 0 hit 1 zaggs) and again taking a snap shot of that record to another part of the form keeping a history. and that should finally complete the app i appologise for all these inconvieninces im almost out of your life lol i a learning once this app is complete i should manage from there thankyou for all your help thus far

  15. #15
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: low and high numbers with stats

    now lets say the 3rd pattern misses the stats will show (1 misses 0 hit 1 zaggs) notice how the stats resets
    It's not doing that on mine. Mine doesn't reset until I enter a ZERO.

  16. #16
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    Re: low and high numbers with stats

    I know its not but it must i explained wrong in the begining i can alawys try and explain my last request again it it is to confusing for you sorry

  17. #17
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    Re: low and high numbers with stats

    lets make it so that if any any pattern of 3s if the 0 pops up its a miss, lets forget bout breaks at the moment lets change them to zags if you have 2 hits in a row the stats should read 2 hits 0 miss 0 zaggs if the next pattern misses the stats ill show 0hits 1 miss 1 zaggs and upon this changing of stats the prevoius/history stats of 2 hits 0 miss 0 zaggs will be copied to another part of the form at to keep a record, basicallt the zagg indacates the amount of times the pattern swops from hits and misses hope this is making some sense now

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