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Change Active Cell but not it's relative position

  1. #1
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    Change Active Cell but not it's relative position

    Hello: I'm writing a macro in Excel 2003 to search a spreadsheet that is approximately 100 columns by 100 rows. I have successfully written VBA code to find the single cell identified by user input of Name and location. Let's say it was found in Col Z row 26. My macro correctly scrolls the spreadsheet horizontally and vertically so that cell Z26 appears as the first unfrozen cell. B2 is the first unfrozen because, I have frozen the locations in row 1 and the names in column A so the first unfrozen cell location is B2. When I try to make cell Z26 the active cell in that location, the sheet rolls back the scrolling and makes B2 the active cell.

    How can I keep cell Z26 in the position I scrolled it to and make it the active cell so the user's key strokes can enter information there?

    ...A B C D E F .....................................................Z
    2...... X<-- I can scroll it to here but I can make it active without unscrolling.
    26................................................................. X<-- The macro found this Cell correctly.

    Any and all help is appreciated. I've read about using offsets to do something like this but I'm not getting anywhere with that.


  2. #2
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Change Active Cell but not it's relative position

    You can use Goto for that:
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