Hello, fisrt I am sorry if this is the wrong place to post, but I have looked everywhere I was unable to fin the answer to my problem, in there you will find part of my code

AddNew newBook, sFileName // Creates a new file

//After this I have a prompt asking me If i want to replace the existing file, I do, so I disable the Alerts to automatically do it.
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

// I save this file to a SharePoint, the thing is after the file is saved is put in CHECK OUT mode which block any other user from ussing this file, this is how the SharePoint works I have no control over this

newBook.SaveAs "https://channelone.cognizant.com/sites/Shared%20Workspace/Argentina/NVIS/Asset%20Library/Carpeta%20De%20Prueba%20-%20No%20Borrar%20Por%20Favor/" & sFileName

Application.DisplayAlerts = True // Enable alerts

//This is my problem
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

In order for me to remove the CHECK OUT mode from the file I need to close the excel and do a CHECK IN, problems is after trying to close the file I get a prompt asking me If i want to check in but the default answer is to NOT DO THE CHECK IN so if I use DisplayAlerts = False excel will automatically select the option NO and I need to select the option YES

is there a way to tell excel that it needs to select "YES" and "OK" on every prompt regardless of what the default answer is?

I hope I was clear, sorry for my english

Thanks in advanced