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Search and move macro

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2003

    Search and move macro

    Hi all,

    I've been trying to write a macro for my work that

    1) searches for an erroneous cell "#N/A"
    2) copies the data from this cell
    3) looks for a string in another comulmn
    4) if it finds that string, goes to the particular row
    5) pastes the relevant data
    6) delete the whole row with the "#N/A"

    this is the code that I have come up with thus far:

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    My problem occurs on the line that starts with "c = Selection.Find..."

    On my first run, it threw up a "Object Variable or With Block Variable not set" every time the string i was searching for in Column D was not found.

    So I tried using some simple error handling using the On Error GoTo statement. Line 2 is the error handling process.

    The issue is that the first time the Selection.Find command fails to find the string, the On Error command works fine, and the macro moves on to the next cell. But the second time it fails to find the string, it throws up the "Object Variable or With Block Variable not set" error, even though i already have an On Error statement.

    What could be the problem?

    As you probably can tell, im a beginner and the code is just brute forcing my way down a spreadsheet. Any suggestions to make this task more elegant would be extremely welcome.

    The workbook is a bit too large to upload here, but if you need it for reference, PM me!
    Last edited by Paul; 07-16-2009 at 08:43 PM. Reason: Changed QUOTE tags to CODE tags

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Brisbane, Australia
    MS-Off Ver

    Re: Search and move macro


    An example workbook would be helpful. Don't attach the real on, but make up one that has the same structure / format, but doens't contain any sensitive data.

    Then explain using that example file what you are trying to achieve, and if possible show a before and after view.


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