how do i format a list box to read SAT-25-MAR-09 instead of the defult 3/25/09 the list box has 14 columns, the second column is the column with the date in it. below is the code im using to poulate the list
the date is in column b on sheet.

Sub LoadlistBox()
    Dim lbtarget As MSForms.ListBox
    Dim rngsource As Range

    Set rngsource = Worksheets("Scedtest").Range("A2:N50")
    'Fill the listbox
    Set lbtarget = Me.ListBox1
    With lbtarget
        .ColumnCount = 14
        .ColumnWidths = "60;80;130;60;30;100;150;250;1;1;1;1;1;1"
        .List = rngsource.Cells.Value
    End With