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Sleep function between commands

  1. #1
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    Sleep function between commands

    I am writing a macro that copies some data from an excel sheet and pastes it into a browser text box.

    I have everything figured out, and the code seems to working. Except that at some parts the commands are running so fast that they are not being executed in the proper order.

    For example in the code below:

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    As you can see the macro switches to the explorer window, and then a Sendkey {TAB} command is used to move the cursor to the first textbox. However at times the sendkey command is executed so fast that the TAB is being applied in the excel window. I'm not sure if I am explaining this correctly, but that's what I observe.

    I know there is a Sleep command to implement a wait time before the next command, but I don't know how to work that. Can someone please help me out here.


  2. #2
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    Re: Sleep function between commands


    Try (you may have to adjust the 5000 delay):

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  3. #3
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    Re: Sleep function between commands

    Thanks Stanley.

    I'll play around with the time and figure out the most appropriate one.

    However, can you explain to me in what unit is this interval measured. As in this 5000, is it 5000 millisecs?

    EDIT: Nvm, just saw the declaration at the top, that its in millisecs.
    Last edited by rishadjb; 09-01-2009 at 09:04 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Sleep function between commands


    Sorry, 5000 millisecs = 5 seconds

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Sleep function between commands

    Hello rishadjb,

    Sleep will suspend all CPU activity and input until the interval is expired.
    Leith Ross

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