I have a worksheet containing a list of measurements taken at 1 second intervals over the course of approximately 8 hours. Row A gives the time in hh:mm:ss, Row B contains the measurements.
I would like to calculate the average value per minute, (i.e., the average of rows 1 – 60, 61 – 120, 121-180 etc… ) and output the result in a new table.

As there are over 27000 rows in the worksheet, attempting to do this manually would take an age. I was hoping to use a macro to perform this task but having no VBA skills I don’t know where to start. Could anyone please point me in the right direction?

I’ve made a rather poor attempt to put some pseudo code together for what I am trying to achieve…

Start in Cell B1
Loop until the end of the worksheet
  Select next 60 cells in column B
  Calculate the average of the selected cells
  Output result to results table 
  Move down 60 rows 
End loop
Many thanks