
I have a sheet named "Main" and multiselect listbox in this sheet.

I've named the multiselect listbox "Test", in the window just above the column A, next to the formula/cell value input field

However when trying to run a macro which is to return the selections in the multiselect listbox. I get an error i the VBA code that "object required".

Sub Knapp9_Klikk()
' Submit knappen

Dim lItem As Long

    For lItem = 0 To Test.ListCount - 1

        If Test.Selected(lItem) = True Then

            Main.Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(2, 1) = Test.List(lItem)

            Test.Selected(lItem) = False

        End If


End Sub
What I want the macro to do is bascially. Output for each option in the listbox either TRUE or FALSE. Where the first should be outputted in cell A1, then B1, C1, etc..

I will then use the input created in these cell, for a later procedure..

Hope someone can shed some light on this...

PS!! I'm using Excel 2007 and Vista