I'm not sure if this is even possible, but i'm stumped on how to proceed.
I have a cell that has the following in it:

1 5 724555
1 5 724352
1 5 724651

There are actual carriage returns in the cell so it actually shows up with a little square in between the 724555 and the 1.

I need to break these carriage returns to add the next value into its own cell and insert it in the row below the original cell, and 1 cell to the right.

For example

A1 = 1 5 724555 (carriage return) 1 5 724352 (carriage return) 1 5 724651

I need to break this down to be this:

B2 = 1 5 724555
C2 = 1 5 724352
D2 = 1 5 724651

I don't even know where to start, any help or direction would be appreciated