
I'm using Excel 2003, I'm trying to create a dynamic tables, I'm a moderate Excel user, I am familiar with basic macros and Excel functions.

Here's what I'm trying to accomplish. I have a table that someone can enter the number of weeks a project is going to take e.g. 10 weeks.

I then have 6 team members, each one takes up a different percentage of that time. e.g. member 1 takes up 50%, member 2 takes up 20% and so on.

I need to be able to generate a table that has dates along the top, depending on the length of the project, in this example, the table should have 10 columns for the 10 weeks. Then on the left should be each of the team members. I have some ideas about filling in the data in the table but being able to have the table adjust is what I'm trying to get at.

I would like to be able to change the timeline to 12 weeks and the table should adjust.

Any help would be greatly appreciate and please let me know if any clarification is required.

Thanks in advance!