I have this bit of code:

Chart1.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=MC.Range(MC.Cells(1, 1), MC.Cells(100, nYrs+1))
    Chart1.Chart.ChartType = xlLine
    Chart1.Chart.PlotBy = xlRows
It seems to default to x values from 1 to 31.
I want the x values to be 0 to 30.

Any slick ways to make that happen?

I tried playing around with some code that looks like this:

For Each objSeries In .SeriesCollection
        objSeries.XValues = CStr(CInt(objSeries.XValues) - 1)
        objSeries.Values = objSeries.Values
        objSeries.Name = objSeries.Name
But I get a type mismatch error.