Hi everyone,
I'm brand new to programming in Excel, and currently building a system that will help me trade equity options (similar to trading stocks). So far, I've put together the ranking system I want to use based on a live data feed that updates in real-time (during market hours). For every possible trade in my 'universe' (currently about 600), Excel provides a live score (based on my formulas and weightings) as well as prices and other info about the trade (options strikes, symbols, expected return, etc.).

What I'd like Excel to be able to do is keep a separate sheet where a trade (row) that scores over an arbitrary threshold, say, 100 'points,' is recorded as a static line (instead of continuing to dynamically update), like a snapshot of that line. I'll use this list of trades to submit to my broker for trading.
If it was as simple as a 'triggered' copy - paste special - values, that would do just fine. The trigger would also need to see if that trade has already been recorded for the day, so I don't get an infinite list of the same trade.

After a trade makes it into this list, I'll need to compare it to what I already have in my portfolio (which I'll also need to build) so I don't become too heavily weighted in any one trade. (Just thought I'd let you know where this will be going, too).

I'm sure I left out some important details, so please ask away! Thanks for your help!
