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Extracting Data from ERP Database based on 2 variables in Spreadsheet...cont'd

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    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Extracting Data from ERP Database based on 2 variables in Spreadsheet...cont'd

    Hi all,

    I got some help from DonkeyOte a while back to help extract data from my ERP database, using info available in my Spreadsheet...

    Try to adapt it a little to another spreadsheet I am working on, but can't seem to nail it.

    Here is the code I have changed around from the above thread..

    Sub GetDataFromVisual_DO()
    'Defining variables
    Dim cnOra As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rsOra As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim vIDs As Variant, wIDs As Variant
    Dim db_name As String, UserName As String, Password As String, vstrIDs As String, wstrIDs As String, strSQL As String
    Dim c As Range, rngIDs As Range
    Dim vrngData As Range, vrngSubData As Range, vrngChunkData As Range, wrngData As Range, wrngSubData As Range, wrngChunkData As Range
    Dim LastRow As Long, i As Long
    Dim XLCalc As XlCalculation: XLCalc = Application.Calculation
    Const BLOCK_SIZE = 1000
    'Disable Screen Refresh & Events & Alter Calc to Manual
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
        .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    End With
    'Establish Database Connection & Recordset
    Set cnOra = New ADODB.Connection
    Set rsOra = New ADODB.Recordset
    db_name = "SANDBOX_ODBC"
    UserName = "RPRO"
    Password = "PASSWORD"
    cnOra.Open "DSN=" + db_name + ";UID=" + UserName + ";PWD=" & Password + ";"
    rsOra.CursorLocation = adUseServer
    'Set Handler... risky...
    On Error Resume Next
    'Work Order Ranges -- safer to use Col A & Offset I suspect - given M/N could both be blank (Sales Order lines)
    Set vrngData = Mid(Range("C7", Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp)), 2, 5) ' Change the Start Cell & Offset to the first Part ID cell...
    Debug.Print vrngData
    Set vrngChunkData = vrngData.Offset(0, 0).Resize(BLOCK_SIZE)
    Set vrngSubData = Intersect(vrngData, vrngChunkData)
    'WO Lots
    Set wrngData = Mid(Range("C7", Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp)), 8, 2)                                      ' Same Range Dimension as above just different column
    Set wrngChunkData = wrngData.Offset(0, 0).Resize(BLOCK_SIZE)
    Set wrngSubData = Intersect(wrngData, wrngChunkData)
    'Loop Subset of vrngData
    Do While Not vrngSubData Is Nothing
        Debug.Print vrngSubData.Address
        'Create SQL InStr of IDs based on subdata range values
        vstrIDs = "'" & Join(Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(vrngSubData.Value), "','") & "'"
        wstrIDs = "'" & Join(Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(wrngSubData.Value), "','") & "'"
        'Compile query to get Costs for PartIDs in the strIDs array
        strSQL = "SELECT "
            Rem Oracle: can't test... I think CONCAT can only take 2 args so maybe embedding would work ?
        strSQL = strSQL & "FROM "
            strSQL = strSQL & "OPERATION "
        strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE 1=1 "
            strSQL = strSQL & "AND WORKORDER_TYPE = 'M' "
            strSQL = strSQL & "AND WORKORDER_BASE_ID In (" & vstrIDs & ") "
            strSQL = strSQL & "AND SEQUENCE_NO In (" & wstrIDs & ") "
        Debug.Print strSQL
        'Execute SQL
        rsOra.Open strSQL, cnOra, adOpenStatic
        'Clear Col AI
        'Iterate Subset of vrngData and find matching record in Recordset (if exists)
        For Each c In vrngSubData
            With rsOra
                .Find "TEMPKEY_ID = '" & c.Value & ":" & c.Offset(0, 1).Value & "'"
                If Not .EOF Then
                    c.Offset(0, 26).Value = rsOra![USER_1]
                    c.Offset(0, 27).Value = rsOra![USER_2]
                    c.Offset(0, 28).Value = rsOra![USER_3]
                    c.Offset(0, 29).Value = rsOra![USER_4]
                    c.Offset(0, 30).Value = rsOra![USER_5]
                    c.Offset(0, 31).Value = rsOra![USER_6]
                    c.Offset(0, 32).Value = rsOra![USER_7]
                    c.Offset(0, 33).Value = rsOra![USER_8]
                    c.Offset(0, 34).Value = rsOra![USER_9]
                    c.Offset(0, 35).Value = rsOra![USER_10]
                    Debug.Print c.Offset(0, 26).Value
                End If
            End With
        Next c
        'Close Recordset
        'Redefine Ranges Before Proceeding
        Set vrngChunkData = vrngSubData.Offset(vrngSubData.Rows.Count).Resize(BLOCK_SIZE)
        Set vrngSubData = Intersect(vrngData, vrngChunkData)
        Set wrngChunkData = wrngSubData.Offset(wrngSubData.Rows.Count).Resize(BLOCK_SIZE)
        Set wrngSubData = Intersect(wrngData, wrngChunkData)
    ' Close
    ' Release
    Set vrngSubData = Nothing
    Set vrngChunkData = Nothing
    Set vrngData = Nothing
    Set wrngSubData = Nothing
    Set wrngChunkData = Nothing
    Set wrngData = Nothing
    Set rsOra = Nothing
    Set cnOra = Nothing
    'Restore App Level Settings
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
        .Calculation = XLCalc
    End With
    End Sub
    The red items are the one's I have changed...

    The data I am trying to reference on my worksheet is in column C and consists of text like: WB0507-10

    I need to separate that into 2 separate variable to link to 2 fields in the OPERATION table... the first field would be for WORKORDER_BASE_ID and should be B0507, the second for SEQUENCE_NO should be 10...

    These 2 variable are looked up to return the USER_1 to USER_10 fields.

    The code runs, but returns no results at all, and I can't figure out where I have gone wrong... the MID() functions should be extracting the info correctly.. I think...
    Last edited by NBVC; 01-11-2010 at 12:45 PM.
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