
I was lucky to recieve some helpful advice regarding my new problem so if you wanted to read this the link is below.

Here is my new problem.

I have the following code.

Global file, monyear, day, report, Filepath As String

 'Using WinRar within Excel
 '    RAR <command>  [ -<switches> ]  <archive>  [ <@listfiles...> ]
 '        [ <files...> ] [ <path_to_extract\> ]
 ' Adding files
Sub WinRarIt()
' Opens the correct file for today

day = Format(Date, "d")
monyear = Format(Date, " mmm yyyy")

paths = day & OrdinalSuffix(day) & monyear
' function OrdinalSuffix(day) takes today's day and runs it throught the OrdinalSuffix() function

Filepath = "G:\MI Reports\" & paths & "\IntroducerMI\"

    Dim WinRarPath As String 'WinRar.exe location
    Dim RarIt As String 'Command line instruction
    Dim SourceDir As String 'The source directory
    Dim SourceFile As String 'The source file
    Dim Source As String 'The combined Rar from path(s)(FROM)
    Dim DestDir As String 'The Rarped file directory
    Dim DestRarName As String 'The Rarped file
    Dim Dest As String 'The combined Rar to path (TO)
    Dim ClientName As String
    Dim SendFile As String
    Dim Email As String
    Dim Password As String
    Dim T As String

T = Worksheets("List").Cells(1, 1).Select

Do While ActiveCell.Value <> ""
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

ClientName = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
SendFile = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2)
Email = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5)
Password = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8)

     '*** Check installation of WinRar ***
    WinRarPath = "C:\Program Files\WinRar\"
    If Dir(WinRarPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then
         MsgBox "WinRar is not installed in the default directory." _
        & Chr$(13) & "Archiving of files will not be possible."
        Exit Sub
    End If
     '*** Set the source details ***
    Source = Filepath & "\" & SendFile
    'If source  name has one or more spaces surround it with ""
    If InStr(1, Source, " ", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then Source = Chr(34) & Source & Chr(34)
     '*** Set the destination details
    DestDir = "c:\Documents and settings\Desktop"
     'check that it exists
    If Dir(DestDir, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir DestDir
    Dest = DestDir & "\" & ClientName
    If InStr(1, Dest, " ", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then Dest = Chr(34) & Dest & Chr(34)
     '*** Do the Rarping *** the -ep switch allows the file to be zipped
     ' without the entire directory location without it
     ' these folders will be zipped.
    RarIt = Shell(WinRarPath & "WinRar.exe a -ep -hp" & Password & " -ieml." & Email & " " & Dest & " " & Source, vbNormalFocus)

End Sub

Function OrdinalSuffix(ByVal Num As Long) As String

' This function formats the date with st, nd, rd or th after the day

Dim N As Long
Const cSfx = "stndrdthththththth" ' 2 char suffixes

N = Num Mod 100
If ((Abs(N) >= 10) And (Abs(N) <= 19)) _
Or ((Abs(N) Mod 10) = 0) Then
OrdinalSuffix = "th"
OrdinalSuffix = Mid(cSfx, _
((Abs(N) Mod 10) * 2) - 1, 2)
End If

End Function
Basically, I have a list of client information that need sending out. I need to zip, password and attach a file to each recipient so I have created a simple loop that helps to locate the file, password the file, add the headings to the filename and send it out.

What i'm wondering, is it possible to add a message body to my e-mail using the switches in the shell function and add a signature saved in my outlook?


p.s i'd like to remind you that the coding for the rar was not written, i'm not that clever but i wrote the rest.