
i currently use a spreadsheet that pulls sales data from several annual sales spreadsheets. but for the macro to work i need to have the spreadsheets open, and if i dont they return a #value. I need to modify the macro to pull the data through while the annual spread sheets are closed.

I think i need to use a filepath command or something but i dont really know macros very well. The current macro is:

PHP Code: 
Function CLOOKUP(lookup)
arr = Array("Jan""Feb""Mar""Apr""May""Jun""Jul""Aug""Sep""Oct""Nov""Dec")
Each entry In arr
        With Workbooks
("Sales Orders_2009.xls").Sheets("Sales" entry)
10 To 34
If .Range("B" i).Value lookup Then
= .Range("H" i).Value
GoTo complete
Next i
        End With
    Next entry
End Function 
All the spread sheets are located in the same folder (R:\Market\Operational Reports). I tried putting the file path infront of the spreadsheet name, but that didnt work

any help would be great!