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VLOOKUP with multiple matches

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    VLOOKUP with multiple matches

    I have a fairly complicated problem that I'm having a lot of trouble solving (and describing here). I've been trying to use VLOOKUP, though that may not be the function that I need to solve the problem.

    I have a set of data in 'Tab 1' ranging from columns A through AT and from rows 1 through 3000.

    The main data elements I'm dealing with are in Columns A and C. The pertinent data in Columns A and C look like this:

    Column A ____Column C
    V10000####1 V10000
    V20000####1 V20000
    V30000####1 V30000
    V10000####2 V10000
    V30000####2 V30000

    There are 200 unique values in Column C and Column A starts with one of those values followed by additional Numbers and Letters.

    The task I've been set is to create a separate tab for each unique value in Column C (which equates to 200 tabs) and set it up to list all instances where column A starts with that value.

    For Example, 'Tab 2' will list all data in Column A that starts with "V10000", 'Tab 3' will list all data in Column A that starts with "V20000", etc.

    I've tried to use VLOOKUP, but it is looking in Column A for the exact value but isn't finding it.

    I tried to input the formula =VLOOKUP(V10000, A1:AT3000, 1, FALSE) hoping to get V10000####1

    but I'm just getting #N/A because it's looking for V10000 exactly.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve my problem? I've tried to explain as best I can, but if you need additional clarification, let me know and I'll try to answer as best I can.
    Last edited by SUPPO_USN; 03-16-2010 at 02:18 PM.

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