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Match / Index Multiple Columns and copy data

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  1. #1
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Match / Index Multiple Columns and copy data

    Not sure which you opted for but I for one failed to add the SUBSTITUTE as I should have done to the concatenation formula such that it becomes:

    =SUBSTITUTE($A2&"@"&$B2&"@"&$C2," ","")
    copied down

    The other formula remains as was...

    I did a quick benchmark test between the exact match approach and the binary search ... using your file and on my machine (4GB RAM) the exact match takes around 4 secs to calculate (700 calcs) whereas the binary search takes around a hundreth of a second.

    Though 4 seconds is not long it does prove the gains that can be had from sorting and using binary search methods as only a fraction of the transactions are reviewed (savings will increase the greater the range / no. of calcs)

    EDIT: apologies for the edits - trying to word correctly such that it made sense.
    Last edited by DonkeyOte; 04-07-2010 at 08:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Exclamation Re: not solved ?


    I have tried to use both of these methods for my data. The second method did not work for me, and I have just realized that the first method doesn't even work for the original dataset. If you compare the 2 methods using the original dataset, you'll see that a large number of the barcodes don't show up with the first method, whereas they do with the second method. This suggests to me that there is something wrong with the formula being used, which is unfortunate for me because the other formula doesn't seem to work for me. If someone could fix the 1st formula I would like to try to use it, otherwise I will post my data and perhaps someone can adapt the second formula to it.

    thank you

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