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Cross reference using "isnumber" & "match"

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor dagindi's Avatar
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    Cross reference using "isnumber" & "match"

    I came across a post earlier today in the forum that used a formula which I changed as follows to suit my current needs:

    Two questions:

    #1. I will be adding more data to Sheet2. Is there a more proper way to write the formula so it looks at the entire column A as the array so I do not have to rewriting the array?

    #2. Since the formula returns a TRUE/FALSE can i incorporate a conditional formatting in the formula so that if TRUE is returned then the row of data turn yellow and if false it remains as is or does that have to be done as a separate function through Conditional formatting?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert teylyn's Avatar
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    Re: Cross reference using "isnumber" & "match"


    Re #1:
    MATCH() accepts whole column references, so you could do


    Re #2:
    Set a conditional format for the cell, using Formula Is. The formula will just be


    Adjust the cell address to the cell you want to format and make sure there are no $ signs. Then simply copy the format to the other cells.

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor dagindi's Avatar
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    Re: Cross reference using "isnumber" & "match"


    Thanks for the quick response.

    After seeing your post i notice I left one thing off. The formula i provided executes in column M so what it really looks like now is:

    Sub InventoryCheck()
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=ISNUMBER(MATCH(RC[-12],Sheet2!R1C1:R6053C1,0))"
        Dim LR As Long:     LR = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        Range(Cells(3, "M"), Cells(LR, "M")).FormulaR1C1 = Cells(2, "M").FormulaR1C1
    End Sub
    I believe the array of R1C1:R6053C1 covers point #1. (Sorry, I am getting into the habit of figuring out my problems while i write up the posts).

    Now point #2 is not so easy for me because I have not really attempted any conditional formatting within a macro.

    How would I code "if M2 = TRUE then make Row 2 BOLD, if not leave it as it is.

    This leads me to a 3rd question of do I really need to have the code in point #1 return a value in M or can it just "run" through the provided array and if it finds a match between Sheet1 and Sheet2 it bolds that row??

    Sorry if I am losing you on this one.

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