okay this one essentially is a follow up to my last thread but I'll give a brief overview to see if it makes sense

I'm making a spreadsheet that totals the number of hours a person participated in.

different events equate into a different number of hours served

names are listed in column A
Total number of hours are listed in column B
and the events the individual participated in are listed in column C

Column C contains a drop down menu listing the events I'll use states as an example Texas, New York, Washington, California, ect... where multiple selections are possible

the data list for the events is listed in column E,
and the amount of time each corresponding event represents is in column F, i.e.
New York-3
Washington- 4
California- 4

How do I setup the cells in Column B to add up the total that would be listed in the adjacent cell in Column C I.E.

Cell C4 contains: Texas, New York, California
how can I get cell B4 to calculate =1+3+4
