I have a workbook with several worksheets titled after users names.

On the same worksheet I have an Overview worksheet which has their names and priority items under their names. There are a few names in one column, and then a few names starting again in another column e.g. B to E and then F to I

Users will open their individual worksheet, and enter data into them under headings such as Meetings, Tasks, Training etc.

The data they will enter will be time, date, text, more text and will go across 1 row and 4 columns.

Periodically, user will highlight items that are Priorities (a single row) under these headings, yellow for Meetings, Blue for tasks and green for Training.

I want a macro that will search for the highlighted items (Priorities), and copy them to the Overall worksheet, under the users name headings.

On the Overall sheet, the number of rows under their names will change, depending on the number of priorities they have highlighted, and I want the flexibility of either leaving the previous items in the overall tabs, or pasting over the top of these.

The issues I am having are searching for the Priorities (highlighted text) across a number of worksheets, copying the cells in the row that are highlighted and pasting into the Overall worksheet under the corresponding name headings, with a changing number of priorities, and the Overall worksheet has different names in different columns

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.