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How to update textbox from other textboxes

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    How to update textbox from other textboxes


    This is a project I'm working on for school. I'm trying to figure out how to have a textbox in a form update itself as I enter numerical values in other textboxes.

    This is the code for the module which is doing all the work.
    Option Explicit

    'average five simmuations for a given stock
    ArrayofChosenAssetsInvestment(i) = ((Simulation(1) + Simulation(2) + Simulation(3) + Simulation(4) + Simulation(5)) / 5)

    End If

    'output results to spreadsheet
    Range("H2").Value = "Initial"
    Range("H3").Value = "Final"
    Range("H1").Offset(0, i).Value = ArrayOfChosenAssets(i)
    Range("H2").Offset(0, i).Value = InvestmentInitialValue(i)
    Range("H3").Offset(0, i).Value = ArrayofChosenAssetsInvestment(i)
    Range("n2") = Range("i2").Value + Range("j2").Value + Range("k2").Value + Range("l2").Value + Range("m2").Value
    Range("n3") = Range("i3").Value + Range("j3").Value + Range("k3").Value + Range("l3").Value + Range("m3").Value
    Range("n4") = (Range("n3").Value - Range("n2").Value) / Range("n2").Value
    Next i

    'build final message
    message = "Final Portfolio Values:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine

    If frmInput.ListBoxAsset1.Value = 0 Or frmInput.InvestAsset1.Value = 0 Then
    message = message & ""
    message = message & Range("i1").Value & " had an initial value of: " & Format(Range("i2").Value, "currency") _
    & " and a final value of: " & Format(Range("i3").Value, "currency") & vbNewLine
    End If

    If frmInput.ListBoxAsset2.Value = 0 Or frmInput.InvestAsset2.Value = 0 Then
    message = message & ""
    message = message & Range("j1").Value & " had an initial value of: " & Format(Range("j2").Value, "currency") _
    & " and a final value of: " & Format(Range("j3").Value, "currency") & vbNewLine
    End If

    If frmInput.ListBoxAsset3.Value = 0 Or frmInput.InvestAsset3.Value = 0 Then
    message = message & ""
    message = message & Range("k1").Value & " had an initial value of: " & Format(Range("k2").Value, "currency") _
    & " and a final value of: " & Format(Range("k3").Value, "currency") & vbNewLine
    End If

    If frmInput.ListBoxAsset4.Value = 0 Or frmInput.InvestAsset4.Value = 0 Then
    message = message & ""
    message = message & Range("l1").Value & " had an initial value of: " & Format(Range("l2").Value, "currency") _
    & " and a final value of: " & Format(Range("l3").Value, "currency") & vbNewLine
    End If

    If frmInput.ListBoxAsset5.Value = 0 Or frmInput.InvestAsset5.Value = 0 Then
    message = message & "" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
    message = message & Range("m1").Value & " had an initial value of: " & Format(Range("m2").Value, "currency") _
    & " and a final value of: " & Format(Range("m3").Value, "currency") & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
    End If

    message = message & "Predicted Final Portfolio Value (after 10 years) = " & Format(Range("n3").Value, "currency") & vbNewLine
    message = message & "Predicted Portfolio Gain = " & Format(Range("n4").Value, "percent")

    MsgBox message, vbInformation, "Simulated Portfolio Value"

    End Sub
    And this is the code for the form.
    Option Explicit
    Public cancelled As Boolean

    Sub btnExit_Click()
    End Sub
    Sub btnExecute_Click()
    cancelled = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnReset_Click()

    'Default List Box Selection
    With frmInput
    .ListBoxAsset1.ListIndex = 0
    .ListBoxAsset2.ListIndex = 0
    .ListBoxAsset3.ListIndex = 0
    .ListBoxAsset4.ListIndex = 0
    .ListBoxAsset5.ListIndex = 19 'should be CASH

    'Default Investment Values for each Asset
    .InvestAsset1.Value = 0
    .InvestAsset2.Value = 0
    .InvestAsset3.Value = 0
    .InvestAsset4.Value = 0
    .InvestAsset5.Value = 100000 'Put all in CASH initially
    End With
    End Sub

    Private Sub txtTotal_Change()

    'update textbox as values are entered i
    InvestAsset1 = txtTotal
    InvestAsset2 = txtTotal
    InvestAsset3 = txtTotal
    InvestAsset4 = txtTotal
    InvestAsset5 = txtTotal

    End Sub

    Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
    End Sub
    The textbox that I want updating is txtTotal while the textboxes where I will be typing up the values are investAsset1, investAsset2, investAsset3, investAsset4, and investAsset5.

    This project is supposed to pull data from an Access database and do a financial calculation. I have almost everything figured out except having the totaltextbox add itself with the values in investAsset textboxes as I type in the values.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
    Last edited by chris0374; 05-12-2010 at 04:24 PM.

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