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Paste from one to many

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2003

    Paste from one to many

    Dear Sir/Madam

    I need some help.

    I’ve got a folder on my C: drive named Test. This folder contains a sub folder “TestSubFolder” and a workbook “Primary Workbook.xls”. “TestSubFolder” contains all my customer’s individual accounts. The total customer accounts are unspecified.

    Every day I enter customer payments into “Primary workbook.xls”. At the end of the day I will have a list of all customer payments received.

    I want a macro that when a button is pressed, updates all the individual customer accounts with the payments made and then clear the list in “Primary Workbook” for the same procedure the next day.

    It sounds tricky. I hope someone can help me with this.
    Find attached a sample of the “Primary Workbook.xls” and a few customer account samples.

    Thank you very much for all the help.
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Ms Office 2016

    Re: Paste from one to many

    See attached file where I added below macro.

    Macro will automatically insert formula in column 'E' of customer sheets. Initially you need only to put first theree rows (titles and row with Opening Balance).

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
       Dim myPath As String
       Dim r As Long, lastRow As Long
       Dim custId As String, elem As Variant
       Dim myRow As Variant
       Dim destRow As Long, nr As Integer
       Dim otherWb As Workbook
       Dim otherSh As Worksheet
       Dim sh1 As Worksheet
       Dim myDic As Object
       myPath = "C:\test\TestSubFolder\"
       Set sh1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
       Set myDic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
       lastRow = sh1.Range("a2").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + sh1.Range("a2") _
                .CurrentRegion.Row - 1
       For r = 2 To lastRow
          custId = sh1.Cells(r, "b")
          If Not myDic.exists(custId) Then
             myDic.Add Item:=r, key:=custId
             myDic(custId) = myDic(custId) & "," & r
          End If
       Next r
       'store rows for each customer so macro opens only one time customer workbook
       For Each elem In myDic.keys
          'open customer workbook
          Set otherWb = Workbooks.Open(myPath & elem & ".xls")
          Set otherSh = otherWb.ActiveSheet
          lastRow = otherSh.Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row
          destRow = lastRow
          nr = UBound(Split(myDic(elem), ",")) + 1
          'macro copies data for each row customer from primary wb to customer sheet
          For Each myRow In Split(myDic(elem), ",")
             destRow = destRow + 1
             otherSh.Cells(destRow, "a") = sh1.Cells(myRow, "a")
             otherSh.Cells(destRow, "b") = sh1.Cells(myRow, "c")
             otherSh.Cells(destRow, "d") = sh1.Cells(myRow, "d")
          Next myRow
          'apply formula on 'E' column
          otherSh.Cells(lastRow + 1, "e").Resize(nr, 1).Formula = "=e" & lastRow _
                      & "+c" & lastRow + 1 & "-d" & lastRow + 1
          otherSh.Range("a:a").NumberFormat = "d-mmm-yy"
          'close and save customer workbook.Close True
       Next elem
       'clean data for next day
    End Sub
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