Hello everyone!

I'm doing a macro in excel that reads data from an internal website in IE6,and...

Short Story:
  1. i need to select data from several drop down lists; i've googled for a solution but nothing have worked for me (see below)
  2. And later on, i'll click on a link, that will open a new window and the open file dialog. But i dont want to open it but to save it in X folder with Y name. And i don't have any idea how to do so.
Long Story
I have an excel file that searches production volume and percent of some products of the company i work for. It has to be updated every month, the problem is, it needs to generate, save and copy to said file almost 500 CSV files. (i have 11 areas and 45 products, you do the math) Thankfully there are some files (the half) that have no data and they are not needed (i've made a list of those files to make it easier).

I already have accesed the internal website(named Page1) entering username, selecting factory and clicking on a link. There will be other 2 pages (page 2 and 3) which will be ALMOST the same (they have almost the same objects).

Right now i'm in Page 2, when you select thru drop-down lists the data you're looking for. (here's the first problem since i dont know how to handle drop down lists).

After that, ill get page 3, showing the data, i'll click on "generate file for excel", and the page will reload and will add a new button that generates a CSV file.

When you click on it, it opens a new window and the Save/Open file dialog appears, i need to save it in a certain folder with a certain name.

After that,(hopefully :P) i can do a second macro to update the main file after all the source files have been saved.
[/Long sotry]
I'm using Excel XP (it's 2002, right? i've never used XL-XP ha!)
Windows XP
and IE6

Sadly, there's no direct acces to the database (to avoid generating and saving the files) so i think it has to be done like this.

Right now, this is the code i have (based on several websites):
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I'm not new to basic, but i'm new at working with forms and specially from another programs as IE.

So far i've tried all these lines but still got errors, although the first one gave me the error 91

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and this is the code for the drop-down list:
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Thank you so much for your help,
Best Regards


PS: Please, be patient, i'm Mexican, working in Germany with german software, so no, it's not easy xD