ok so I have 2 excel workbooks. WB1 and WB2 with 10 sheets each. WB1 is a report that comes in every month with new information about sales.
1st report will contain info about january
2nd one will contain info from january and february
3rd one will contain info from january,february and march and so on...
What I want to do is transfer Information from WB 1 to WB 2. The thing is that WB 1 is updated every month, so thats one problem. WB 1 and WB 2 have the same structure, so WB2 is a workbook with the variables but no numbers. One way to do it is maybe pick a variable in column 1 of WB1 and somehow take whole row and transfer it to WB2, but i dont know how to do that. I NEED TO DO IT WITH MACRO.
I hope someone can help me.