
I would like a little help regarding using output of one UDF with another. Second query is there a "Do Nothing" response in VBA so where if the result of test is true it does nothing.

I will probably need to upload this workbook when I go home. But if anyone can spot a few newbie errors in my code I will update them so I can upload the best workbook possible.

This is my code
Private Sub DateTime()
' Insert Date on Workbook open
' Test if merged cell G3 or G7 have new data in them
' If LastSaved Function is before Now then do not update time
    Dim DateDay As Date
    Dim TimeDay As Date
    DateDay = Cells(D, 4).DateValue(Now)
    If LastSaved < Now Then "Do Nothing?"
    Else Cells(E, 4) <> " " Then
        TimeDay = Cells(E, 4).TimeValue(Now)
        Cells(E, 4).Font.Bold = True
End Sub

Function MyFullName() As String
' Write the name of the full worksheet address in a cell
    MyFullName = Worksheets("ServiceDeliveryTemplate").Cells(A, 25).FullName
End Function
Function Lastsaved("MyFullName") As String
' retrieve full path from MyFullName Function and retrieve last save date.
Lastsaved = FileDateTime(MyFullName)
End Function
Basic goals are too insert date ddmmyyyy in a cell on workbook first open.
Then test if one of two merged cells contains text and keep testing until it does and then insert time in cell.
Third try to ensure date does not update when file reopened unless user manually writes date or time.