
I have the following code that runs without errors; however, the results are not what I was expecting.

Here is what is returned as an array: =SUM(IF("Anderson 31-12"=$G$3:$G$226,IF(1/1/2011<=$I$3:$I$226,IF(1/31/2011>=$I$3:$I$226,1,0)*$H$3:$H$226,0)))

The Bold text will not calculate in Excel. Therefore I presume my equation syntax for ForumlaArray is incorrect. But I have yet to figure it out.

The FormulaArray equation is an attempt to duplicate the formula below. It works fine in Excel.


Any advice on how to get this to work, would be greatly appreciated.
Option Explicit

Sub Macro3()

Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim PadName As String
Dim BegMonthDate As Date		'Beginning of Month
Dim EndMonthDate As Date		'End of Month

i = 3					'Initialize Row Counter
j = 13					'Initialize Column Counter

For j = 13 To 48
'For i = 3 To 65			Commented out for testing
PadName = Cells(i, 12)
BegMonthDate = Cells(2, j)
EndMonthDate = WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(Cells(2, j), 0)
Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Cells(i, j).Select
 Selection.FormulaArray = "=SUM(IF(""" & PadName & """=$G$3:$G$226,IF(" & BegMonthDate & "<=$I$3:$I$226,IF(" & EndMonthDate & ">=$I$3:$I$226,1,0)*$H$3:$H$226,0)))"
'Next i
Next j

End Sub