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Userform Search Database code

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    Userform Search Database code

    Hi Professionals!

    I wonder if any of you experts can help me?

    After searching and searching, I finally found a piece of code that does what I needed for my database: Userform with a search function that poulates text from other cells on the database into form.

    The problem is that I am a code novice and althought I have been able to get some of it reformatted to work for me, there are parts of it that I just don't understand.

    I wonder if any of you would be prepared to spend 5 minutes running through it and commenting on what each part is doing and, more importantly, what it refers to.

    I'm quite an intelligent chap and have, so far, been able to work some of this out as well as other code for other use, by myself. This one though, seems a little past my pay-grade right now and that's really frustrating!!!

    Once I understand what it's doing and what each part refers to, I then have an extended question which is:

    Rather than the 'find' function on the userform, could I use a list box to pull in the relevant account data and can I then transfer the whole lot to a new sheet??

    Can you help? If so, file attached

    Many thanks,

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by dcompagnone; 08-12-2010 at 05:54 AM.

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