
I am working on this web application which has a dynamic drowdown.

Its like this, If I choose a value in the first drop down in the webpage, the second drops displays the values according to the value chosen in the first dropdown.

The problem is for the second dropdown the values are not show in the source code. The code that is dispalyed is
HTML Code: 
I am not sure how to choose the value in this second dropdown using VBA(Excel programming/Macro) since it is a dynamic dropdown.

Suppose I want the Value "A" in the second dropdown, I have tried the code
objIE.document.getelementbyid("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_fs_AccountReq_fv_ra_I_FS_ProductTypeDDL").Value = "A"
But it doesn't seem to work.

Any suggestions is welcome. Please help me out.