Hi all,

I just need to open a file in a local network shared folder. How to open it. I have posted code to open in local drive(C:/) , but i want to open in a local shared network folder wher the file is saved in another machine.

Plz help!

'To select the previous weeks report file manually
    Dim Filename As Variant
    Dim Filter As String
    Dim Title As String
    Title = "Select a Thymoglobulin previous week File to Open"
    'Select Start Drive & Path
    ChDrive ("C")
    ChDir ("C:\Documents and Settings\221290\Desktop\Excel\Thymoglobulin")    With Application
    'Set File Name to selected File
    Filename = .GetOpenFilename(Filter, FilterIndex, Title)
    ChDrive (Left(.DefaultFilePath, 1))
    ChDir (.DefaultFilePath)
    End With
    'Exit on Cancel

    'To Open the previous week report file
    Workbooks.Open Filename

Thanks in Advance!