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Adding text to the end of existing string / text.

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    Adding text to the end of existing string / text.

    Realizing this is so frightfully simple, I cannot find an answer to it.
    How does one go about creating a code to add text onto the existing text in a cell.

    For example, a column already has city names in it and I want to add a state code in the same column. If I was doing it by hand, I would click F2 on each cell and just add it.

    I tried recording a macro pressing F2, adding the desired text and looking at the code, but it replaces the entire cell with the new string. This is a problem when moving onto the next city (in my example) where it will overwrite the city in the process of adding the state.

    Thank you kindly in advance.
    Last edited by DTK; 08-30-2010 at 01:31 PM. Reason: it's solved

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