Hello boys,

I've been trying to write a project in VBA code but now I got totally stuck on one little thing: I want to be able to print a sheet out in duplex by VBA code. I really tried everything:

- xlWB.PrintOut(, , , , "PQ-Purchasing-BH600-02") (there comes an error)
- printoutex is also no recognized (there don't appear capitals when I typ it in)
- ActiveSheet.PrintOut Copies:=1, ActivePrinter:="PQ-Purchasing-BH600-02", Collate:=True >> this also doesn't work, neither when I put brackets around it.
- I also tried something with setDuplex = 3, but this also doesn't

So now I'm in humongous PANIC. Could someone pleeeeeeeeease help me? My version is Excel 2007. This 19 year old girl really needs help now, so pleeeeeeeeeease help me.



PS the King of Rock'n Roll NEVER dies!