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filling in blank rows by the next available filled row

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    filling in blank rows by the next available filled row


    I am at my wits end. Multiple problems in my sheet. First I will paste my code. The excel sheet is also added as an attachment.

    Sub mycheck()
    Dim mcount As Range
    Dim i As Long
    Dim istart As Integer
    istart = 4
    Set cl = Range("A" + CStr(istart))
    Set mcount = Range("I1")
        For i = istart To (istart + mcount - 1)
                If IsEmpty(cl.Value) = True Then
                Range("J" + CStr(istart - 1)).Select
                Range("J" + CStr(istart)).Select
                Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
                        :=False, Transpose:=False
                Range("A" + CStr(istart)).Select
                Range("J" + CStr(istart)).Select
                End If
            istart = istart + 1
        Next i
    End Sub
    Problem 1:- I am trying to program the following condition. Pls refer excel sheet.Sheet1
    =if(A4="",A3,A4) and loop it till the value in cell I1. On executing the above code, it only returns the value as 1 which means only the if condition is executed. The else condition never gets activated at the first point (cell A67 in this sheet) where it should be activated.

    Problem 2:- The "for i = " command is not running properly, although it runs properly when I put in actual numeric values like 4 to 768 (which is my count in cell I1), is there a error in syntax.

    Problem 3:- I am also trying to program the following condition =value(left(B4,$G$1)) and loop it till the value in cell I1. But have no clue as to what the syntax will be.

    Please, i know its rather long, but help me out on this

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