Hi all,
I have this which I am trying to input a list of names of which the match could be in any of 4 columns....

This all works, BUT, if for example I put in 'sarah' and 'ddddsaarhcccc' is in the data dump then both 'sarah' and 'ddddsaarhcccc' are found.

But i only want to find 'sarah'

Can someone please help. I cant seem to work it out.

'Clear all

'First the Headers
ws2.Range("2:2").Copy Destination:=PasteRng
Set PasteRng = PasteRng.Offset(1, 0)
Dim a As Long
Dim search As Long
Dim row As Long
Dim col As Long
Dim flag As Integer
    search = 1
    row = 3
    col = 4
While Not Sheets("Servers To Find").Cells(search, 1) = Empty
       row = 3
       While Not Sheets("Physical Servers").Cells(row, 1) = Empty
       If InStr(LCase(Sheets("Physical Servers").Cells(row, col)), LCase(Sheets("Servers To Find").Cells(search, 1))) > 0 Then
       'If InStr(Sheets("Physical Servers").Cells(row, col), Sheets("Servers To Find").Cells(search, 1)) > 0 Then
       Sheets("Physical Servers").Cells(row, col).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=PasteRng
       Set PasteRng = PasteRng.Offset(1, 0)
       flag = 1
       End If
       row = row + 1
    If flag = 0 Then
    col = 5
      row = 3
      While Not Sheets("Physical Servers").Cells(row, col) = Empty
       If InStr(LCase(Sheets("Physical Servers").Cells(row, col)), LCase(Sheets("Servers To Find").Cells(search, 1))) > 0 Then
       Sheets("Physical Servers").Cells(row, col).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=PasteRng
       Set PasteRng = PasteRng.Offset(1, 0)
       End If
       row = row + 1
    End If
 col = 4
 search = search + 1
