Hey gang,

I've been searching for hours but can't seem to be able to figure out my problem. I'm trying to set up a system where a user can click on a link in a cell, and that link will direct them to a specific cell in another sheet where it will copy that cell to the clipboard. The code below is what I'm currently using, and while it does work, the problem I run in to is that when you initially open up the spreadsheet, if you instantly click on a link, it's not copying. I'm relatively new the VBA world, and I have a feeling my issues stem from activecell, or lack thereof. Any ideas?

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Sheets("Comment Code").Select
End Sub

For whatever it's worth, column A in sheet 1 is for a numeric code (1-50), and in sheet 2, all of the comments that correspond to said codes are listed. The idea is that the user can click on the necessary code, 1 for example, and it would copy the comment for code 1 that's listed in sheet 2 to the clipboard for them to paste in a separate application.

I realize this post was a bit lengthy, as well as confusing, but I just can't figure it out.
