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VBA for colouring and banding groups together

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    VBA for colouring and banding groups together

    Hi guys,

    I am currently building a dashboard showing outstanding and completed jobs that come through our department. I had help with a VBA previously to group and colour different types of jobs on the 'outstanding' work sheet and am hoping to get some further help.

    I am looking to do the same for the 'completed' work sheet. The 4 different categories in column B are: Motor Claims, HH Claims, Commercial and General. I would like these to be sorted into colour groups based on these categories and then listed by the implemented date, the same as with the 'oustanding' job work sheet. I have tried using the same VBA but editing the details but could not get it to work.

    I also wanted to know if it was possible to add an 'implemented' status to the 'outstanding' table and when this is selected, the details transfer to the 'completed' table, highlighted in someway so it can easily be spotted and the other details in the row can be filled in? Maybe this is asking too much?!!

    I have attached the spreadsheet.

    Thanks in advance

    Last edited by DJ_Rutts; 10-21-2010 at 11:42 AM. Reason: Bad title

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