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Excel Email Macro

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    Post Excel Email Macro

    HI, I have an EXCEL marco designed, which searches a particular folder (using a browsefolder function) for excel attachments, then it opens each file in turn, uses the filename (minus the .xls) and searches a worksheet using vlookup which contains email addresss to then populate the ".to" variable and automatically saves the the email to my oulook, as well as saving the open workbook as an attachment.

    However, I cannot get the ".to" to be populated byt the email address, which is saved as a variable "Smail". Can anyone help? I am at my wits end....

    I'm using Windows XP & Excel 2003/Outlook 2003

    Option Explicit
    Public getfolder As String
    ' Create Email '
    Sub Create_Email()
        Dim olApp As Object
        Dim Outmail As Object
        Dim SigString As String
        Dim Strbody As String
        Dim Signature As String
        Dim path As String
        Dim Prompt As String
        Dim OpenAt As String
        Dim lCount As Long
        Dim wbResults As Workbook
        Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook
        Dim Filter As String, Title As String
        Dim FilterIndex As Integer
        Dim filename As Variant
        Dim posn As Integer
        Dim ReceiveName As String
        Dim Lookuprange As Range
        Dim Smail As String
        ' This Userform asks who is running the report '
        'Search For Files To Use As Attachments using Browsefolder Function '
                    If BrowseFolder = False Then
                         Debug.Print "No folder selected."
                         On Error GoTo 0
                    End If
        'Create the Message Subject, Body & Recepient'
            Strbody = "Good Morning," & "<br><br><br>" & _
            "Test Body message"        
        'Set The signature accrding to the current user select in userform'
            SigString = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & Environ("UserName") & _
                    "\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures\test.htm"
            Signature = GetBoiler(SigString)
        'Create The Message '
                 ' Stop Screen Updating '
                    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
                    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                    Application.EnableEvents = False
                    On Error Resume Next
                    Set wbCodeBook = ThisWorkbook
        'Do A Filesearch in specified path '
                With Application.FileSearch
                        'Change path to suit
                          .LookIn = getfolder & "\"
                          .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
                    If .Execute > 0 Then 'Workbooks in folder '
                        For lCount = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count 'Loop through all
                            'Open Workbook x and Set a Workbook variable to it
                            Filter = "Excel Files (*.xls),*.xls"
                            FilterIndex = 3
                            Set wbResults = Workbooks.Open(filename:=.FoundFiles(lCount), UpdateLinks:=0)
                            posn = 0
                            posn = InStr(wbResults.Name, ".")
                            If posn <> 0 Then
                            ReceiveName = Left(wbResults.Name, posn - 1)
                            End If
        Smail = ""
        Smail = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(ReceiveName, Worksheets("Contacts").Range("A1:B245"), 2, 0)
          'Specific Code For each Email'
                ' Set olApp as Microsoft Outlook & Msg as New Email Message '
                 Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
                 Set Outmail = olApp.CreateItem(0)
             On Error Resume Next
     Function GetBoiler(ByVal sFile As String) As String
    'Signature Function '
        Dim fso As Object
        Dim ts As Object
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set ts = fso.GetFile(sFile).OpenAsTextStream(1, -2)
        GetBoiler = ts.readall
    End Function
    Function BrowseFolder(Optional Title, Optional OpenAt As Variant) As Variant
         'Function purpose:  To Browser for a user selected folder.
         'If the "OpenAt" path is provided, open the browser at that directory
         'NOTE:  If invalid, it will open at the Desktop level
        Dim ShellApp As Object
         'Create a file browser window at the default folder
        Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "Please choose a folder", 0, "X:\1. Specialist Team\Alliance & Managed\")
         'Set the folder to that selected.  (On error in case cancelled)
        On Error Resume Next
        BrowseFolder = ShellApp.self.path
        getfolder = ShellApp.self.path
        On Error GoTo 0
    'Destroy the Shell Application
        Set ShellApp = Nothing
         'Check for invalid or non-entries and send to the Invalid error
         'handler if found
         'Valid selections can begin L: (where L is a letter) or
         '\\ (as in \\servername\sharename.  All others are invalid
        Select Case Mid(BrowseFolder, 2, 1)
        Case Is = ":"
            If Left(BrowseFolder, 1) = ":" Then GoTo Invalid
        Case Is = "\"
            If Not Left(BrowseFolder, 1) = "\" Then GoTo Invalid
        Case Else
            GoTo Invalid
        End Select
        Exit Function
         'If it was determined that the selection was invalid, set to False
        BrowseFolder = False
    End Function
    Last edited by Airdrielad; 11-11-2010 at 12:46 PM.

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