Hi, I have the following code, which works fine on my desktop:

Option Explicit

Sub PDF_Sheets()

Dim wsEachSheet As Worksheet
For Each wsEachSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets

Call Create_PDF(wsEachSheet)

Next wsEachSheet
End Sub

Sub Create_PDF(wsPrint_Sheet As Worksheet)

Dim tempPSFileName As String
Dim PDFCreator

tempPSFileName = "C:\UK\abc\def\" & " " & wsPrint_Sheet.Name & ".ps"

wsPrint_Sheet.PrintOut Copies:=1, preview:=False, ActivePrinter:="PDFCreator", printtofile:=True, Collate:=True, prtofilename:=tempPSFileName

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set PDFCreator = CreateObject("PDFCreator.clsPDFCreator")

PDFCreator.cStart "/NoProcessingAtStartup"

PDFCreator.cConvertPostscriptfile tempPSFileName, FSO.GetParentFolderName(tempPSFileName) & "" & FSO.GetBaseName(tempPSFileName) & ".pdf"

Kill tempPSFileName

End Sub

however when I run it on a network/extranet, I get the following error:

The file can not be found!

InputFile- IF

I have checked that the location is correct - would there need to be any modification to the code for working on an extranet.

PDF creator is installed there and the references are turned on. Any help would be great!! thanks in advance